ALEKSANDAR STIPAN Backend Coder • Automation Enthusiast • CI/CD Fanatic

My Story

As a self-taught programmer, I am focused on backend development, CI/CD pipelines and automation. I'm excited to apply my analytical mindset to projects requiring technical expertise and creative problem-solving. I remain open to opportunities for growth, collaboration and addressing real-world challenges with my skill set.

Languages & Tools

Preferred programming languages and core tools for version control, CI/CD, container orchestration and deployment.

Featured Projects




Core maintainer of the Go-Blueprint project: CLI tool that allows users to spin up a Go project. Integrates popular Go frameworks, supports database drivers along with Docker Compose, HTMx with templ, Tailwind, GitHubAction worflows and Websockets.

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Personal S3 Storage Infrastructure


Implementing MinIO, a high-performance object storage system compatible with Amazon S3, using Terraform and Ansible for management. Configured as Multi-Node Multi-Drive (MNMD).

Coolify instance on Hetzner

Static website on Lambda


Terraform module for setting up and deploying a static website on Lambdan. Function uses an API Gateway, secured with an ACM certificate and configured with custom domain names via Cloudflare.

ArgoCD pipline

ArgoCD GitHub Action pipeline


GitHub Actions workflow that integrates with DockerHub and ArgoCD, enabling streamlined CI/CD pipelines. This setup utilizes semantic versioning for Docker images and automatically updates Helm charts in another repository upon successful commits.

Coolify instance on Hetzner

Coolify instance on Hetzner


Deploys Coolify on Hetzner Cloud using Terraform. Coolify is an all-in one PaaS that helps you to self-host your own applications.

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